Call for Participation

Extended Deadline: March 5, 2010

Collaboration and Conversation: Greek and American Artists

A project by Rachel Moore in collaboration with Dimitris Michalaros

Emerging artists from Thessaloniki, Athens and Chicago are invited to participate in an exhibition

of personal narratives generated from cross-cultural dialogue by answering: How do you interpret

your cultural pasts? How does this effect your work individually and the perception of

contemporary art in your respective countries? What local and global issues are of current personal


Exhibited first in Thessaloniki, the exhibition will at once be an art product and a public program,

and will spring from an open, collaborative process. An exchange of knowledge, ideas, and

influences will spur each artist to create new work in response to discussion, as they each contend

with where they situate themselves politically in contemporary culture and within their historical


DYNAMO Project Space in Thessaloniki, Greece ( will

host the preview event in April 2010: the commencement of dialogue between Chicago, Athens

and Thessaloniki artists. Work by the invited artists will be displayed along with a series of

performances and readings. Simultaneously Spoke, in Chicago (,

will host the first teleconferencing event for Chicago based artists. The second phase of the project

will be located in a museum in Thessaloniki, Greece (location TBA).

Artists who wish to participate may work in the field of sculpture, performance, photography,

printmaking, video, sound, electronic arts, drawing, painting, writing, or design. Artists do not

need to show past work situated in the public forum with participatory or collaborative projects,

but do need to have an invested interest in doing so for this exhibition. Interest should be in

discussing current local and global issues and producing works that attempt to evoke change or

new understanding by involving the public in some way. Events will be part of the exhibition and

may include writers, performers, or musicians. All conversation will be held in English.

Participants will need to attend monthly meetings and regularly contribute to conversation on a


Interested participants should submit a resume, artist statement, a paragraph of why they want to

be included/how their work is relevant, and 10 images of work to

by February 26, 2010. Image files should be formatted to 19cm x 25cm at 100ppi, or 1024 x 768

pixels. Files should not exceed 10 megabites in total. Video and sound work should be no longer

than 3 minutes and up to 3 pieces. Writers are encouraged to submit 5 writing samples.

Rachel Moore is an artist who works on public and community -based projects in addition to her studio

practice. She currently is living in Thessaloniki as a Fulbright Fellow and comes from Chicago, U.S.A.


Dimitris Michalaros is an artist working and living in Greece. He recently returned from Chicago where he got his M.F.A. from the School of the Art Institute of Chicago.
